10 November 2024AgriCircle AG
10 November 2024 Contact point / Staff Involved and title:
Georgios Kleftodimos, associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, specializing in bio-economic modeling of agricultural systems, economic valuation of ecosystem services, and agricultural policy and Abderraouf Zaatra,gricultural economics researcher: My research delves into the agricultural and environmental economics especially in the field of irrigation water governance, agricultural vulnerability and farm adaptation strategies. My recent research is focused on estimating the impacts of climate change on natural resources and ecosystems functioning in several Mediterranean regions. My ongoing work examines the economic, social and environmental effects of water overexploitation in agricultural sector and adaptation options' costs and benefits.
CIHEAM Montpellier, also known as the Montpellier International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, is one of the four institutes of CIHEAM (Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes).
Founded in 1962, this institute specializes in training, research, and cooperation in the fields of agriculture, food, and sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. It offers master’s and doctorate programmes, organizes continuing education courses, and conducts applied research projects in collaboration with partner institutions in various countries. Its main objective is to contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas and improve Mediterranean populations’ living conditions through capacity building and knowledge transfer