Aarhus University
9 November 2024Extra Red
10 November 2024 Contact point / Staff Involved and title:
Prof. Agnieszka Napiórkowska-Krzebietke - Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of NIFRI - Profesor in Hydrobiology and Water Quality; and Dr Konrad Stawecki - Researcher, PhD in Fisheries and Water Chemistry
National Inland Fisheries Research Institute (NIFRI), established in 1951, is supervised by the Minister of Agriculture responsible for fisheries. Institute has huge experience in: (1) aquaculture bioengineering, (2) development of new methods of prevention and therapy of fish diseases, (4) technology transfer: assessing the impact of water management on fish habitats, and (4) monitoring and assessment of ichthyofauna, and water quality in the context of the WFD required ecological and chemical status/potential of rivers, lakes and other water reservoirs. The Institute conducts research, development and implementation activities adapted to the needs of practice in the area of inland fisheries, as well as economic activities mainly involving the production and trade of fish.